Cecile de Bezenac

Doctoral Candidate, The Alan Turing Insitute, University of Leeds.


I am currently a doctoral student based in both Leeds Insitute for Data Analytics, University of Leeds and the Alan Turing Institute under the supervision of Alison Heppenstall, Ed Manley and Julien Randon-Furling Julien Randon-Furling. After my degree in engineering in l'Ecole Centrale Paris where I specialised in civil engineering and urban planning, I felt compelled to dive back into academics to more thoroughly analyse the underlying processes at play in urban construction. I went on to study demography and statistics in Aix Marseille Université before exploring urban modelling techniques in LIDA. I have previously worked in the statistic and modelling laboratory (SAMM) in Paris Pantheon Sorbonne exploring new spatial segregation measures in an urban context.

Here is my CV!!!

Research interests

My current research broadly addresses the integration of social and geographical complexity in empirical research. The overarching objective of my PhD work is to better understand the implications of underlying system dynamics for the way we, as researchers, approach societal problem with classical causal methods. I am interested in identifying and formalising the possible sources of socio-spatial complexity that may characterise a system and impact the response of our data-driven methodologies. I adopt an Agent Based Modeling approach, which I believe has the potential to question underlying dynamics of social systems, in particular the emergence of inequality in cities.